v0.1.4 (pre-release beta testing) [Updated: 15 May 2016]
The first pre-release of 0.1.4. In this series it is hoped we can nail the sound quality. Please post here telling me which kernel + boot options + player gives you the best sound quality. If you need a kernel with a different setting, let me know too.

The 0.1.4 ISO will be built based on feedback from you guys.

.fw   snakeoil-i686-0.1.4-pre-release-20160526.fw (Size: 18.35 MB / Downloads: 14)

Changes since 0.1.3 (Cable Lifter)   
  • Fixed Squeezelite extras bug [Found by a.dent] (Added: 26 May 2016)
  • Fixed bug where kernel boot option is not read properly [Found by JD1](Added: 26 May 2016)
  • After kernel upgrade, text now correctly says reboot is in the system tab [Found by JD1] (Added: 26 May 2016)
  • Filename has a new string, i686 for 32 bit firmware, and x86_64 for 64bit (Added: 26 May 2016)

  • Firmware and Kernel upgrade are now well tested and made available to the normal users now (available in System tab). (Added: 21 May 2016)
  • You can install deb files now from the Snakeoil tab (Added: 21 May 2016)
    [Image: tab_snakeoil_deb.png]
  • Repo code.google.com no longer available. As such, added new Squeezelite from Ralph Irving. v1.8 may be removed for the final version (Added: 21 May 2016)
  • Support HQPlayer's NAA and Plex's PlexMediaServer, requires manuall installation (Added: 21 May 2016)
  • System tab now moved to the 2nd last(Added: 21 May 2016)
  • Multiple web back end stability fixes (Added: 21 May 2016)

  • Split Home Tab into two: Home and System (Added: 15 May 2016)
  • Theme switching support (in System tab). Current 3 themes: Default, Blue on White and Grey on White(Added: 15 May 2016)
  • Fixed a bug where squeezelite can't lock memory (prevents swapping) and set priority of output thread (Added: 15 May 2016)

  • Fixed a bug where you can't clear software player options (Added: 15 May 2016)
  • Added option to clear the system cache. Available in the Home tab, click the Clear Cache button to reinitialise the cache. May be useful if you leave the machine running for a long time (e.g. > 3 hours), or after a database rescan.
    [Image: tab_system_system.png]
  • When you click the Shutdown Machine button above, the browser will re-direct to the snakeoil website after 5 seconds.
  • Changed the button colour (to the snake oil drop colour)
  • Changed all references of register to activate
  • Make some cosmetic changes to the user interface
  • For people who has activated their snakeoil machine, you now have the ability to adjust kernel boot up options.
    [Image: tab_snakeoil_kernel_tweaks.png]
Snakeoil Operating System - Music, your way!
[-] The following 1 user Likes agent_kith's post:
  • Leonard

Great to see you have added nice new features!
First quick impression is that the setup also improved stability.

I am running Snakeoil entirely from RAM (incl. persistent) and was able to update the firmware without any problem on my usb stick.
It seems that the firmware automatically pre-selects the correct 'generic-usb'version of the bootkernel. As I am using an i5 processor and an USB DAC I assume this is indeed the best kernel for my configuration. However after restarting the 'Home' tab shows that my kernel is still "4.4.4-rt11-snakeoil". Does this mean the kernel has not been updated?

Tab 'Home' 
  • Model : shows '60' while my processor is an i5 4460T
  • CPU MHz : Not sure if this has been done on purpose but this item  shows default amount of MHz instead of actual. I have clocked down my processor to 1200 MHz (fixed). However it shows 1900 MHz.
  • Button 'Shut down machine' only seem to logoff but doesn't really shut down my machine like windows does.
 Tab 'Snakeoil' 
  • Priority:  would be nice to have some guidelines what processes may be adapted to get better performance.
  • Boot options: would be nice to know what these options offer (as already stated by yourself this topic will be expanded on the help page later on).
 Thanks for your hard work!

(05-May-2016, 11:01 PM)Leonard Wrote: Great to see you have added nice new features!
First quick impression is that the setup also improved stability.

I am running Snakeoil entirely from RAM (incl. persistent) and was able to update the firmware without any problem on my usb stick.
It seems that the firmware automatically pre-selects the correct 'generic-usb'version of the bootkernel. As I am using an i5 processor and an USB DAC I assume this is indeed the best kernel for my configuration. However after restarting the 'Home' tab shows that my kernel is still "4.4.4-rt11-snakeoil". Does this mean the kernel has not been updated?
Uploading of kernels don't work when in persistent mode. You have to copy kernels manually to the USB for this to work. Do you want 4.4.4-rt11 with just USB? If yes I can build that and post it in the forums.

(05-May-2016, 11:01 PM)Leonard Wrote: Tab 'Home' 
  • Model : shows '60' while my processor is an i5 4460T
  • CPU MHz : Not sure if this has been done on purpose but this item  shows default amount of MHz instead of actual. I have clocked down my processor to 1200 MHz (fixed). However it shows 1900 MHz.
That is normal I think. That table listed is from lscpu, which may or may not be accurate. I'd do a check to confirm this soon.

(05-May-2016, 11:01 PM)Leonard Wrote:   
  • Button 'Shut down machine' only seem to logoff but doesn't really shut down my machine like windows does.
Try a reboot, does that work? Which ISO version are you using?

(05-May-2016, 11:01 PM)Leonard Wrote:   
 Tab 'Snakeoil' 
  • Priority:  would be nice to have some guidelines what processes may be adapted to get better performance.
Good idea, I'd see if I can write something about that in the future.

(05-May-2016, 11:01 PM)Leonard Wrote:   
  • Boot options: would be nice to know what these options offer (as already stated by yourself this topic will be expanded on the help page later on).
I will do that soon. Be careful with using them atm as some of the settings may crash the kernel. But all is recoverable if you connect a keyboard/monitor to the Snakeoil machine, I will write up on how to fix that if it happens.

[quote='Leonard' pid='59' dateline='1462460490']  
 Thanks for your hard work!
My pleasure. Thank you for using Snakeoil. Smile
Snakeoil Operating System - Music, your way!
[-] The following 1 user Likes agent_kith's post:
  • Leonard

(06-May-2016, 08:40 AM)agent_kith Wrote: Uploading of kernels don't work when inpersistent mode. You have to copy kernels manually to the USB for this to work. Do you want 4.4.4-rt11 with just USB? If yes I can build that and post it in the forums.

I have created an Ubuntu live USB to be able to manipulate my 'Snake-oil' USB stick. For example to create the extra partition to make it persistant.
If you can give me some guidance what I should do to to copy the kernel to the Snakeoil USB stick I might be able to do that myself. This will then also give me the opportunitiy to do this with future kernel updates as well. :-)

P.S. The 4.4.4-rt11 with USB is indeed the version I would like to have

(07-May-2016, 04:41 AM)Leonard Wrote: I have created an Ubuntu live USB to be able to manipulate my 'Snake-oil' USB stick. For example to create the extra partition to make it persistant.
If you can give me some guidance what I should do to to copy the kernel to the Snakeoil USB stick I might be able to do that myself. This will then also give me the opportunitiy to do this with future kernel updates as well. :-)

P.S. The 4.4.4-rt11 with USB is indeed the version I would like to have
Hopefully I'd be build some new kernels later today and post it on the vmlinuz section, with instructions on how to do this for live CD. Will let you know when it's done.
Snakeoil Operating System - Music, your way!
[-] The following 1 user Likes agent_kith's post:
  • Leonard

Release new 0.1.4-pre-release today (snakeoil-0.1.4-pre-release-20160515.fw). 
  • Split Home Tab into two: Home and System (Added: 15 May 2016)
  • Theme switching support (in System tab). Current 3 themes: Default, Blue on White and Grey on White(Added: 15 May 2016)
  • Fixed a bug where squeezelite can't lock memory (prevents swapping) and set priority of output thread (Added: 15 May 2016)
Here's a quick walkthrough on Change Priority. The blog is still a bit messy at the moment, but I hope the ideas can get through.
Snakeoil Operating System - Music, your way!

I have spend some time testing the new snakeoil-0.1.4-pre-release-20160515 firmware running the OS from RAM.
As far as I could find the MPD player works correctly.
The Squeezelite player however stops playing after changing the playlist on my android device (using Squeezer). After it has stopped I cannot get it to work anymore although the server is still up (in a sense that the webpage can still be accessed). Has something been changed in the firmware that may cause this? I don't remember I had this problem before.

It is also not possible anymore to start the 'Web Remote Control' when 'Start Squeezelite + LMS' has been selected. The message stated 'No LMS detected on network'. However it is still possible to control the LMS using an android app like Squeezer or Squeezebox

The setting 'Fixed volume' now works correct and stays switched on after restarting!

(20-May-2016, 09:18 PM)Leonard Wrote: Hi,
I have spend some time testing the new snakeoil-0.1.4-pre-release-20160515 firmware running the OS from RAM.
As far as I could find the MPD player works correctly.
The Squeezelite player however stops playing after changing the playlist on my android device (using Squeezer). After it has stopped I cannot get it to work anymore although the server is still up (in a sense that the webpage can still be accessed). Has something been changed in the firmware that may cause this? I don't remember I had this problem before.

It is also not possible anymore to start the 'Web Remote Control' when 'Start Squeezelite + LMS' has been selected. The message stated 'No LMS detected on network'. However it is still possible to control the LMS using an android app like Squeezer or Squeezebox

The setting 'Fixed volume' now works correct and stays switched on after restarting!
Hmm. That seem to suggest LMS has crashed. Do you have enough free disk spare allocated on the USB drive?

SSH in, and go into /var/log/logitechmediaserver (I think that's the path, could also be squeezeboxserver), and look at the logs, did it show any errors?
Snakeoil Operating System - Music, your way!

0.1.4 pre-release updated to snakeoil-0.1.4-pre-release-20160521.fw. See top post for changelog.
Snakeoil Operating System - Music, your way!

(21-May-2016, 10:14 AM)agent_kith Wrote: Hmm. That seem to suggest LMS has crashed. Do you have enough free disk spare allocated on the USB drive?

SSH in, and go into /var/log/logitechmediaserver (I think that's the path, could also be squeezeboxserver), and look at the logs, did it show any errors?

Unfortunately there is no log.

I only have the USB stick containing the Snakeoil software in the streamer during start-up. As soon as it has started and is playing I remove the USB stick to avoid getting any noise/pollution from it. So far this worked fine (except that I couldn't switch players, but that has not been an issue for me).

As there is no USB stick attached there is also no way the streamer can update the log.


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Our mission is to create a free to use computer OS that is easy to install, intuitive to operate and play music that will connect and engage with you emotionally.

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