Snakeoil 1.4.0 (High End)
Snakeoil Measurements and the old installer method is unsustainable in the long term as the system unfortunately is too rigid. As such had to bite the bullet and go back to the debian packaging system. Unfortunately time was a luxury in the past 2 years, and again unfortunately time is all I have now. There's a lot to catch up for 2 years of Snakeoil inaction, but at least there's progress. 

So with Snakeoil High End I hope we have flexibility again. So what was the problem? As Ubuntu and other systems evolve over the years, the included libraries only come in shared (dynamic) instead of static. This becomes an impossible problem to solve it's getting to the point that the software compiled on one version of Ubuntu will have weird problems when running on older (or newer) versions of Ubuntu (or a Debian clone). Now I pick up a very old version of Ubuntu and build the binaries, but alas the compiler is too old for newer music players. This became a bad feedback loop with no real solution.

So What's The Solution?
Just have to create new build systems for each distribution. The first release of 1.4.0 is built for Noble Numbat (24.04 LTS). If there is a need, this can be expanded to support older Ubuntu LTS, or Raspbian, or even other distributions from RedHat. As such the OS part in "Snakeoil OS" is no longer an accurate namesake now. However for now, my primary focus will still be on Debian/Ubuntu systems.

Existing Snakeoil Users, Follow These Steps to Migrate
  1. A lot of this will be moved to the documentation, but that is also something that needs to be updated. So I'm just leaving it here
  2. Requirement: You need to update your Operating System to Noble Numbat.
  3. Please SSH into your computer and run the following command to confirm your Ubuntu software
    • Code:
      sudo lsb_release -a
    • If you're release is 24.04, you can skip to the next step.
    • To update your OS to 24.04, run the following commands
      sudo apt update
      sudo apt upgrade -y
      sudo do-release-upgrade
    • You may have to reboot and run these commands multiple times until you reach 24.04
  4. You'll need to uninstall Logitech Media Server as it has been rebranded to Lyrion Music Server.
    • Run the following command to uninstall
      sudo apt remove logitechmediaserver
  5. Now you are ready to install Snakeoil package

Installing Snakeoil 1.4.0 High End
  1. If you havn't done so already, SSH back into your Snakeoil machine.
  2. Copy the link of the architecture (Computers choose amd64, Raspberry choose arm64)
  3. Run the following command to download the package
    • Code:
      # Use this command if you are running on Raspberry Pi

      # Use this command if you are running on AMD/Intel computers
  4. Now run these commands to install
    • Code:
      # Run this command before you install Snakeoil
      sudo apt update

      # Use this command if you are running on Raspberry Pi
      sudo apt install ./snakeoil-1.4.0-ubuntu_noble_arm64.deb

      # Use this command if you are running on AMD/Intel computers
      sudo apt install ./snakeoil-1.4.0-ubuntu_noble_amd64.deb
  5. You will get what looks like an error after the installation. Ignore that for now
  6. Now reboot the computer
    • Code:
      sudo reboot
  7. And if everything works, your Snakeoil WebApp should be up and running.
  8. Please post here if you have any troubles, this is the first move to the Debian packaging system and the migration might be painful. However you can also choose to reinstall 24.04 LTS and then install Snakeoil straight over it.

Known Issues
  • You will need to uninstall Logitech Media Server manually. Please see How To Install section above
  • Lyrion Music Server is not automatically installed by default. You can install Lyrion in the snakeoil/software menus.
  • Network configuration is current disabled for now. This feature will be back in 1.4.1 or later.
  • More known issues to be added as they surface.

Change Log
  • Disable network tab for now to be re-enabled in a later update [#170]
  • Add liblua5.4 straight into Snakeoil dependency [#169]
  • Fix invalid chown command and add some debug logs to OS::mount [#168]
  • Fix up broken minimserver install [#167]
  • Fixed issue where lms+Squeezelite version do not start Lyrion music server [#164]
  • Fix UI glitch when restoring config file. [#163]
  • Fix broken uppmdcli install script [#165]
  • Create /media/snakeoil_cache if folder do not exist [#166]
  • Fix wrong version displayed in WebApp [#162]
  • Update snakeoil-rest service file to add more depedencies
  • Fixed bug where debian installer might be picking up old version of the WebApp [#161]
  • Make Lyrion Music Server work in Raspberry Pi (Debian package is missing perl components) [#156]
  • Fix problem where there are 2 NFS options in mount - One of them have to be NTFS [#159]
  • Fix missing grub.template file [#158]
  • Disable SSE4.2 check when installing NAA for arm64 build. [#157]
  • Fix bug where JRiver install/uninstall options are not showing up in Snakeoil->Software [#160]
  • Only publish main artifact if defined in API/CMakefile.txt [#155]
  • Automatically publish package in main to artifiacts [#133]
  • Investigate robustness of network share mounting and make improvements if possible [#153]
  • Add "apt update" command before installing NAA to ensure all package information are up to date. [#154]
  • Add JRiver Media Center repo for auto install/uninstall [#152]
  • Add missing VNCServer password to Debian package [#151]
  • Remove Lyrion Music Server for arm64 for now [#146]
  • Fix uninstall Lyrionmusicserver script [#146]
  • Add new Squeezelite Player v2.0.0-1507 [#150]
  • Update NAA install script [#149]
  • Remove support for LogitechMediaServer as it cannot co-exist with LyrionMediaServer [#148]\
  • Add support for JRiver 32/33 [#147]
  • Add missing files in /usr/local/share/alsa [#145]
  • Support Lyrion Music Server (Formerly known as Logitech Media Server) [#146]
  • Drop shell installer and add files necessary to create deb files for each distribution [#144]
  • Snakeoil 1.4.0 (Codename: High-end) [#143]
  • Allow files with "_arm" in filename to be installable in aarch64 builds [#142]
  • Fix LMS startup in bookworm [#141]
  • Add needs attribute to pipeline in attempt to better streamline build [#139]
  • Upload pre-release builds & artifacts to a testing folder [#138]
  • Allow install/uninstall of LMS in Snakeoil menu [#27]

Download Links
Snakeoil Operating System - Music, your way!
[-] The following 2 users Like agent_kith's post:
  • hkphantomgtr, Valery

(09-Jan-2025, 04:58 PM)agent_kith Wrote: Everything is fine (amd64)
[-] The following 1 user Likes Valery's post:
  • hkphantomgtr

Ok ...  so not sure what to do here:

   I have 2 Snake Oil Systems ....    One is running 22.04  and the other is running 24.10.   Both are running "Measurements"   as I have updated LMS whenever it asked,  both are running "Lyrion"

how should I move forward to stay up to speed with the updated Snake Oil?

Thanks for all the hard work


Thanks a lot, AK!
[-] The following 1 user Likes hkphantomgtr's post:
  • agent_kith

(09-Jan-2025, 08:55 PM)Valery Wrote: Everything is fine (amd64)
Fine like this?


This meme is so funny, and yet also a raw nerve. 

(09-Jan-2025, 08:58 PM)Coacharnold Wrote: Ok ...  so not sure what to do here:

   I have 2 Snake Oil Systems ....    One is running 22.04  and the other is running 24.10.   Both are running "Measurements"   as I have updated LMS whenever it asked,  both are running "Lyrion"

how should I move forward to stay up to speed with the updated Snake Oil?

Thanks for all the hard work

You can go through the instructions in the first post to update your 22.04 to 24.04, then install the Snakeoil package.

You can also try and install Snakeoil directly on your 24.10 and hope for the best. However that may or may not work well as it's a Ubuntu thing. Once I have ported the API over to Qt I will build a debian build which should in theory work better. If direct install of Snakeoil on 24.10 don't work you can always re-install that to 24.04, or wait for the debian release (prob a few weeks to months away).
Snakeoil Operating System - Music, your way!

I have tested 1.4.0 on real HW now (an old NUC) and everything seems to work fine (I have only tested with JRiver 32).
Thanks for the hard work to release an new SO version Thanks .

PS the download links in the first post is pointing to RC3, not the final release.
[-] The following 1 user Likes Primare11's post:
  • agent_kith

(11-Jan-2025, 12:21 AM)Primare11 Wrote: I have tested 1.4.0 on real HW now (an old NUC) and everything seems to work fine (I have only tested with JRiver 32).
Thanks for the hard work to release an new SO version Thanks .
Next update (update backend) is gonna be significantly hardly. However now is the best time to do it.

(11-Jan-2025, 12:21 AM)Primare11 Wrote: PS the download links in the first post is pointing to RC3, not the final release.
Fixed, I wonder how I messed that up. The links in gitlab are correct so that's good. Going to find a way to automate this I hope.
Snakeoil Operating System - Music, your way!

Just installed High End on my Pi5. Relatively smooth experience for me considering I don't know linux. Most things working for me, however cyclic test isn't working for me in WebApp. When I SSH into the pi and run this command:

cyclictest -t4 -p 80 -N -i 10000 -l 10000 -q

I get this: FATAL: Couldn't initialize libnuma

Have I made a mistake somewhere in my install?

*Thank you AK for 1.4!
[-] The following 1 user Likes alex87's post:
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Fresh install on Intel NUC and Pi5, with only minor issues.
  • The remounting of NFS drives after rebooting is fixed.  However, had to change my NFS permissions on Synology NAS to now use the host name rather than the IP address.  Previously, was using Ip address
  • During the NUC install, initial run failed and had to run Sudo apt-get update before successfully completing install.  This may be an Ubuntu issue, but we should make people aware.   The Pi5 install went without a hitch
  • Noted that you have removed the prompt for true font permissions (pink screens)
  • Restore of SO backup in Pi5 still requires clicking on System button
  • On NUC music player with LMS and Squeezelite running, remote button showing on both.  On Pi5, remote showing only for LMS
  • Did a few software installs, no problems
Thank you for 1.4.

p/s will try upgrade from 22.04 soon...
[-] The following 1 user Likes Snoopy8's post:
  • alex87

Upgraded second NUC from 22.04 (with SnakeOil 1.3.x) to 24.04 in one go.  It required a sudo apt-get update along the way, but relatively painless. Took about 30 mins and I had to make a decision (not sure if right?) to keep the existing smb.conf and GRUB versions. Used a attached monitor and keyboard, instead of SSH.

Installed SO 1.4 and everything appeared OK. 

So, unless you have a compelling reason to upgrade an existing 22.04 SnakeOil instance,  suggest taking the much easier, and faster way of a fresh install of Ubuntu 24.04, SO 1.4.


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SnakeoilOS Mission Statement

Our mission is to create a free to use computer OS that is easy to install, intuitive to operate and play music that will connect and engage with you emotionally.

SnakeoilOS gives you the freedom to spend more time on listening, enjoying and exploring music. Wasting time on computers is now a thing of the past! Everything is constantly evolving/improving. Please check back often for updates.

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