16-Jul-2023, 06:53 PM
All right, baby steps. Managed to squeeze out a release this weekend. Really wanted to do more, but unfortunately spent half a day troubleshooting power supply issues on a Raspberry Pi (builder for Snakeoil armv7). Things are busy as always at work. So much so things don't feel right, I did a quick audit and realised I'm doing the majority of the work. That is my bad in a way as I am so focused on working and didn't realise things have gotten to such an unbalanced way. I am not sure how to deal with this yet but that will be my problem to solve.
Anyhoo, in case folks havn't noticed I have moved away from PayPal and soon to be Patreon. The latter hopefully before end of this month before Patreon start charging people another round of money. Nothing really bad with Patren, just that it's webhook isn't working the way it's supposed to for some reason (test runs work, but actual patrons don't). I'm sure it's just a user error but hey I can't figure it out. As for PayPal, the webhooks never worked. I am switching to BuyMeACoffee now and hope it'll be better. To be honest things aren't looking so great because I did a test withdrawal and yet to see the money 🤷.
Other things that's been keeping me busy include house keeping on the cloud infrastructure running SnakeoilOS. Updating the software and host (this is more difficult then I let on here), and moving to a new Email system (Citadel to OnlyOffice). Hopefully the new email system will make it easier for me to manage support via emails, but as always please use the forum as support if you can.
Because of all this backend stuffs happening, and frustrations from work, Snakeoil development is rather stagnant. But hey in days like this, when I step into my listening room and listen to a few tracks, gotta say, I do have an excellent sound system!
Anyhoo, as I said earlier, baby steps. Nothing really new or fantastic here, hopefully in the next update I can do some new MPD updates. Unfortunately the majority of today is spent trying to solve power supply problems.
Change Log Downloads
snakeoil-armv7l-1.2.13.fw (Size: 51.52 MB / Downloads: 164)
(SHA1: 1d8a2bd06c1dbb8414c3c807326c9e6eff484ddc)
snakeoil-x86_64-1.2.13.fw (Size: 57.12 MB / Downloads: 815)
(SHA1: be958e3e012d2f4e45e53214300366f95fff8670 snakeoil-x86_64-1.2.13.fw
All right, baby steps. Managed to squeeze out a release this weekend. Really wanted to do more, but unfortunately spent half a day troubleshooting power supply issues on a Raspberry Pi (builder for Snakeoil armv7). Things are busy as always at work. So much so things don't feel right, I did a quick audit and realised I'm doing the majority of the work. That is my bad in a way as I am so focused on working and didn't realise things have gotten to such an unbalanced way. I am not sure how to deal with this yet but that will be my problem to solve.
Anyhoo, in case folks havn't noticed I have moved away from PayPal and soon to be Patreon. The latter hopefully before end of this month before Patreon start charging people another round of money. Nothing really bad with Patren, just that it's webhook isn't working the way it's supposed to for some reason (test runs work, but actual patrons don't). I'm sure it's just a user error but hey I can't figure it out. As for PayPal, the webhooks never worked. I am switching to BuyMeACoffee now and hope it'll be better. To be honest things aren't looking so great because I did a test withdrawal and yet to see the money 🤷.
Other things that's been keeping me busy include house keeping on the cloud infrastructure running SnakeoilOS. Updating the software and host (this is more difficult then I let on here), and moving to a new Email system (Citadel to OnlyOffice). Hopefully the new email system will make it easier for me to manage support via emails, but as always please use the forum as support if you can.
Because of all this backend stuffs happening, and frustrations from work, Snakeoil development is rather stagnant. But hey in days like this, when I step into my listening room and listen to a few tracks, gotta say, I do have an excellent sound system!
Anyhoo, as I said earlier, baby steps. Nothing really new or fantastic here, hopefully in the next update I can do some new MPD updates. Unfortunately the majority of today is spent trying to solve power supply problems.
Change Log Downloads

(SHA1: 1d8a2bd06c1dbb8414c3c807326c9e6eff484ddc)

(SHA1: be958e3e012d2f4e45e53214300366f95fff8670 snakeoil-x86_64-1.2.13.fw
Snakeoil Operating System - Music, your way!