Pi4 MPD Basic Build Experience
Just spent a while getting Snakeoil running in a simple setup:  NAS Music Source across network to Snakeoil on Pi4 in turn USB connected to Topping DAC.  Using Windows Client.

Must admit that while there is some good basic documentation I ran into a bunch of issues (mostly rookie errors I am sure) that took me through much of this forum looking for patches / solutions.  Got quite confused at times.  So for what it is worth attached is a walk through of my experience covering:
  1. The target setup
  2. The short version of what worked - the quickest route to success
  3. The longer version of what didn't work quite so well - the detiours on the way
Rather than put all the detail in text here I have attached as a separate document I can amend / refine to address and questions. etc. - at least for this specific use case.

.pdf   SN Setup v1.pdf (Size: 144.84 KB / Downloads: 13)

[-] The following 2 users Like gibbo9000's post:
  • Snoopy8, agent_kith

Hello Gibbo, good to see you on the forum.  

Thank you for writing up your experience. If possible, can you incorporate some of your comments and improve the Wiki
Many of us have been using things for so long that we have forgotten some basic things. So, a fresh set of eyes will definitely help improve the Wiki.

​​​​​​I suspect your timeout issues are Pi/Raspian related. I am using WinSCP with my Intel NUC/Ubuntu and have not come across the issue.  There should be no need for you to know your Linux commands at initial install.  However, please add to install Wiki the commands that may be useful for others to know.

Please explain further what you mean on basic configuration.  Is SnakeOil not doing something that it should?

I agree that mounting music library experience can be improved. Perhaps this is something that Agent Kith can include in new GUI which is the next release.

Please start a separate thread on LMS.  I assume you have logged into MySqueezebox first. LMS uses ALSA, same as mpd, so it puzzling that it works with one and not the other.

I do not use mympd, so someone else can answer your question.

Hi Gibbo. Great PDF writeup. Have sent you an invite to the wiki. Let me know if you get that email. If it's not working, I'll manually create an account for you.

I keep forgetting about mDNS (.local) thing because I disable that in my home network. Reason is that increased the network activity. You can change that to use direct IP address of your NAS. And it should work provided the IP address of your NAS don't change (Either via a reserved DHCP assignment, or setup as a static IP in the NAS config).

Will see if I can finally setup my Pi unit later this weekend so I can test it out in earnest.

Edit: Alright.. Almost certain email system is broken in the Wiki.. Sighz, another thing to fix when I have time.
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