07-Mar-2024, 09:35 AM
Is anyone having problems with LMS playing mp3's? Suddenly mp3s no longer work. Most of my music is flac, so I'm ok. But I do have some MP3s
Running Snake OIL OS on Ubuntu 22.04 with LMS Version: 8.4.1
this is what the log says:[24-03-07 01:26:31.4932] Slim:
layer::Song::open (424) Error: Couldn't create command line for mp3 playback for [file:///media/music/down/Fugazi%20-%20City%20Gardens%20.mp3]
Running Snake OIL OS on Ubuntu 22.04 with LMS Version: 8.4.1
this is what the log says:[24-03-07 01:26:31.4932] Slim: