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Full Version: SOXR resampler and DSD
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Hi, i am using PCM upsampling to 384k by MPD plugin SOXR on RPI 4, everything works flawlessly, but problem is, this also apply to DSD which is bad, if i can play DSD native (without converting to PCM) i must disable SOX for that moment and reenable it for PCM later. Does exist some parameter to tell SOX to not resample DSD or some format restriction for example (dsf, dff) .

(Yesterday, 12:03 AM)ravenman Wrote: [ -> ]Hi, i am using PCM upsampling to 384k by MPD plugin SOXR on RPI 4, everything works flawlessly, but problem is, this also apply to DSD which is bad, if i can play DSD native (without converting to PCM) i must disable SOX for that moment and reenable it for PCM later. Does exist some parameter to tell SOX to not resample DSD or some format restriction for example (dsf, dff) .


Would something like this work? Modify the mpd.conf.template as such:
plugin {
  soxr {
    type = "resample"
    format = "wav" "flac" "mp3"
I guess going ahead I will make it easier to modify the MPD configuration file. There is a custom audio output, but there really isn't any easy means to customise the plugin parts of the configuration. Until then please modify the template manually, and replace them on each Snakeoil update....
Tried adding your suggestions to my mpd.conf, not work (mpd cannot start), also commenting out resampler section or replacing it with your text, or adding format text to resampler section, nope, same scenario, mpd cannot start.