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Full Version: Music Players missing
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Hello guys

I installed on my Raspberry Pi 5 running Ubuntu server 24.04.1 LTS and for some reason I'm not seeing any Music Players. 

I was previously running a Raspberry Pi OS Lite setup and everything was fine.

Any ideas on how to fix?

I have tried rebooting and re-installing fwiw.

Thank you

[Image: image.png]

[Image: image.png]
I did a fresh install to see if there was an issue with the installer for Pi5.  My install worked, can see music players in Music Player tab, can add remove music players in SnakeOil/Software.

Not sure what command you used to do the installation, but the command I used to install looked like this, with full pathname of Deb file.
sudo apt install /home/xyz/snakeoil-1.4.0-ubuntu_noble_arm64.deb
(where xyz is the name of the user).

Can you please also try using a different browser, clear the cache of existing browser.
(31-Jan-2025, 12:50 PM)Snoopy8 Wrote: [ -> ]I did a fresh install to see if there was an issue with the installer for Pi5.  My install worked, can see music players in Music Player tab, can add remove music players in SnakeOil/Software.

Not sure what command you used to do the installation, but the command I used to install looked like this, with full pathname of Deb file.
sudo apt install /home/xyz/snakeoil-1.4.0-ubuntu_noble_arm64.deb
(where xyz is the name of the user).

Can you please also try using a different browser, clear the cache of existing browser.

Solved - seems like I used the wrong installation file (sourced from rather than the forum); I reinstalled with the one you mentioned and everything is working normally now. Thanks for your help Snoopy