(28-Feb-2022, 04:48 PM)agent_kith Wrote: [ -> ] (28-Feb-2022, 08:08 AM)Pit Stop Plato Wrote: [ -> ]Tried again - no luck.
Something ain't right obviously, but can't be certain what/why.. :/
Can you run the following in a SSH session?
sudo tail -n 100 /var/log/squeezeboxserver/server.log
You should get 100 lines of output (hopefully that'll be enough). Send me that output so I can see what it's not starting.
Also, can you run the following and tell me what it says?
I will try this on my 2nd Pi and get back to you however in the mean time, I've tried the previous release of Pi OS Lite (Buster) and all is working! Must be something in the newer build?
(01-Mar-2022, 09:25 AM)Pit Stop Plato Wrote: [ -> ]I will try this on my 2nd Pi and get back to you however in the mean time, I've tried the previous release of Pi OS Lite (Buster) and all is working! Must be something in the newer build?
Is the latest version of Pi OS Bullseye, or something else? Will try and get the latest version of Pi OSand see if it's causing problems later in the week.
Latest version is Bullseye - just checked the Raspberry Pi Imager.
(02-Mar-2022, 03:25 PM)Pit Stop Plato Wrote: [ -> ]Latest version is Bullseye - just checked the Raspberry Pi Imager.
Cool thanks. Suspected as much, either time is moving very quickly outside, or I'm working very slowly. Don't know what the truth is, but relatively speaking, they're equivalent.

I tried all above steps but no luck i getting lms to work on RPI 4 8gb version with 32bit raspbian bulleye OS.
(12-Apr-2022, 02:40 PM)vinaymoturi Wrote: [ -> ]I tried all above steps but no luck i getting lms to work on RPI 4 8gb version with 32bit raspbian bulleye OS.
Which version of LMS did you try to install?
Didn't installed any version. I trying with default one that comes with snakeoil 1.2.4
(12-Apr-2022, 04:52 PM)vinaymoturi Wrote: [ -> ]Didn't installed any version. I trying with default one that comes with snakeoil 1.2.4
LMS only came with the installer (1.2.0). And that version may be incompatible with Bullseye.
That's my running theory atm. I'll try and setup a fresh Pi instance later this weekend, and will give you a solution then.
Until then, do you have a second mico-sd card you can experiment with?
Can confirm you'll need 8.2.0 for Bullseye. Have uploaded a deb in the installer post. And will release a 1.2.5 installer when that version is ready. That'll fix LMS once and for all for all Pi builds.
Not that I use LMS but the Bullseye update will be good...
How about a myMpd update too ;-)