Upmpdcli installs ok. But cannot see it as a UPnP player in BubbleUPnP Android app, nor can it be seen as a player in LMS with UPnP Bridge enabled. Also not working with MinimServer. Not working in fresh install of 20.04/1.2.0, but was running in previous instance of 20.04/1.2 upgraded incrementally since Alpha2.
I tried a fresh install manually, including getting repository key but still no good
Can you setup a MPD player first, and then change to upmpdcli and see if that works?
I've been meaning to fix this quirk - in 1.2.1 (or later) where my intention is to re-work how player selection works.
(13-May-2021, 04:03 PM)agent_kith Wrote: [ -> ]Can you setup a MPD player first, and then change to upmpdcli and see if that works?
I've been meaning to fix this quirk - in 1.2.1 (or later) where my intention is to re-work how player selection works.
My Bad!

I think I made the same mistake previously! I uninstalled Mpd 0.21.25 which caused upmpdcli to stop working. Fixed it by re-installing Mpd 0.21.25.
I can't even get upmpdcli to install on pi4 or pi3 with a fresh install. Threw the 1.2 firmware over an old 1.1.7 install, which is the last version I got to work, and it won't even start as server or client
When I revert back to 1.1.7 everthing is fine.
If i understand properly, i should be able to install upmpdcli and run mconnect to control playback for mpd? For now i am using it via LMS, with upmdpcli as a player. But i was keen to try some of the funky player apps for ipad.
So far this is not working in 1.2.1 for a couple of obvious reason and some not so.
the key servers in the install.sh script are deprecated
repos are set for stretch, but if you're using buster...
even after manually setting up you still get. Unable to locate package upmpdcli-tidal. I think this app is missing/no longer available?
I have upmpdcli running, checked in the gui, but cannot connect.
Is this a simplish fix? I am happy to test or make manual changes if it helps. Should we be using something other than buster on PI? Here some obvious changes to the install.sh hope it helps.
gpg --keyserver
keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-key F8E3347256922A8AE767605B7808CE96D38B9201
gpg --export '7808CE96D38B9201' | sudo apt-key add -
echo "Creating upmpdcli repo"
echo deb
http://www.lesbonscomptes.com/upmpdcli/d.../raspbian/ buster main > ${APT_SRC}
echo deb-src
http://www.lesbonscomptes.com/upmpdcli/d.../raspbian/ buster main >> ${APT_SRC}
(11-Aug-2021, 07:28 PM)Jimmy99 Wrote: [ -> ]If i understand properly, i should be able to install upmpdcli and run mconnect to control playback for mpd? For now i am using it via LMS, with upmdpcli as a player. But i was keen to try some of the funky player apps for ipad.
There's still some issues with the scripts at the moment, it's still setup to run mpd v21 and not the later mpd v22.
Also, to get this working, you have to select MPD-v21 in the player first, configure an audio device, hit save. Once that is done, switch to upmpdcli and everything will start working. This is something i hope to fix in the next few releases (hopefully the next one with the new GUI if I can make it out).