Would it be possible to have some kind of a configuration file available in the ISO that can be adapted to set a.o.:
- mount point / path to NAS
- ALSA Device
- Software player
- Name / email / activationcode
- fixed IP adres
That way the persistant partition wouldn't ben needed anymore.
Moved this to the issue tracking section. I think it can be done.. Will look into getting this (+ easy persistent setup) for the next release.
I believe you'd still need persistent storage regardless (even if it's on a RAM disk that will have it's contents lost on reboot). Many software will require a space to write to (e.g. for writing databases), so without a scratch drive the software can become unpredictable (and perhaps even unstable).
(06-Jun-2016, 09:57 AM)agent_kith Wrote: [ -> ]Moved this to the issue tracking section. I think it can be done.. Will look into getting this (+ easy persistent setup) for the next release.
Great! As I am booting via PXE, and don't know how to create a writable file/partition on my Synology NAS yet, this is on top of my wishlist!
Thanks considering this feature
(06-Jun-2016, 09:57 AM)agent_kith Wrote: [ -> ]I believe you'd still need persistent storage regardless (even if it's on a RAM disk that will have it's contents lost on reboot). Many software will require a space to write to (e.g. for writing databases), so without a scratch drive the software can become unpredictable (and perhaps even unstable).
As long as the system can do this by creating a temporary RAM disk itself this wouldn't be a problem right?
Not yet, I'm away at the moment and don't have access to the development machines. Will look into this proper next month when I'm back, apologies.