My MPD Android client MPDroid, was set to download cover locally on port 80 and snakeoil machine adress eg and doesn't work - no cover, also naming scheme is correct - folder.jpg.
How to enable de-emphasis in playback of pre emphasised wav files - early first pressing cds, for example Michael Jackson and Abba.
(07-Mar-2020, 12:34 AM)ravenman Wrote: [ -> ]My MPD Android client MPDroid, was set to download cover locally on port 80 and snakeoil machine adress eg and doesn't work - no cover, also naming scheme is correct - folder.jpg.
I assume you are following this
wiki section.
If yes to the above, how are your music organised? MPD cover art will only work if your music albums are each in it's own folder.
Does this work if you manually try a URL in a web browser? Give me an example of a directory album and I will give you a URL to try.
(07-Mar-2020, 12:34 AM)ravenman Wrote: [ -> ]How to enable de-emphasis in playback of pre emphasised wav files - early first pressing cds, for example Michael Jackson and Abba.
I can't find a DSP plugin for this, do you know if MPD supports this? I know this definitely
isn't going to work if you're playing off a CD. But no mention for ripped files.
Point me to the documentation and I'll add it to the WebGUI as part of a config.