I have been trying a few different mpd remote apps for android. Mpdroid, mpdremote and m.a.l.p so far.
M.a.l.p seems to be the easiest to navigate through all though the meta data handler for album art and artist naming is pretty shocking.
Wondering what everyone's favourite is?
Android and apple..
And is there one that will work with (mpd) upnp once I get that installed
(21-Nov-2019, 04:56 PM)anewmission Wrote: [ -> ]I have been trying a few different mpd remote apps for android. Mpdroid, mpdremote and m.a.l.p so far.
M.a.l.p seems to be the easiest to navigate through all though the meta data handler for album art and artist naming is pretty shocking.
Wondering what everyone's favourite is?
Android and apple..
And is there one that will work with (mpd) upnp once I get that installed
Hi, among those players you've mentioned, to me, Mpdroid is the best, yet its creator just stopped to develop it since some yrs ago.
I think I've tried almost every android MPD players since I found MPD in 6 yrs. Now I'm using MAFA
https://play.google.com/store/apps/detai...d&hl=en_US . It's the best MPD player to me in android. Even it is a paid app, really worth every penny.
For the iOS, as recently I seldom control mpd thru my iPad, so my memory is a bit blurry. I think I'm mainly using
https://www.openaudiolab.com/yampc/ , and sometimes
https://apps.apple.com/us/app/rigelian/id1363775934 . Both are not as great as MAFA. Someone recommended
https://apps.apple.com/us/app/soundirok/id1031050935 but I just didn't try.
Just my 2 cents, hope you'll find helpful.

I used Mpdroid and got it to a state where it worked with album art properly. MALP had a few quirks then (can't remember what they were, was a few years ago).
If you plan to use UPnP, then try BubbleUPnP and Hifi Cast on Android or mConnect on iOS.