Hi there
I'm trying out Snakeoil to see if better (improved/different?) SQ than Windows 10 for Roon Bridge.
Roon Core is on a Windows 10 machine which I'm not proposing to change. That feeds various Roon end points, one in particular to my main system. End point is a Intel® Celeron® CPU J1900 with RAAT (Roon Bridge) installed under Windows 10 Pro.
Wanting to change this Windows instance to Snakeoil.
Have installed Snakeoil on a new SDD on the J1900 device, updated to 1.1.7 (Blind Testing U7) and working just fine. Accessing via browser via etc.
However I'm unclear on install of Roon Bridge.
From the Snakeoil Wiki I see:
However in Roonlabs I see a different process.
Also, just for testing, I try to mount a CIFS mount (to the Windows machine holding my music) in the format \\server\Music (with username and password) however I get an error message saying not possible in trial mode. Or somesuch message.
Appreciate any feedback on these two points (Roon Bridge and CIFS) please. Only testing things now. Do I need to 'donate' to enable things? Can I donate a small amount for a limited period (so I can test things properly)?

(16-Sep-2019, 02:40 AM)edwardlon Wrote: [ -> ]From the Snakeoil Wiki I see:
However in Roonlabs I see a different process.
see: http://kb.roonlabs.com/LinuxInstall
Both should work, our wiki/forum may well be out of date. So just follow roonlabs method to install for now, and Roon Bridge should appear as a client in the players section. I'll find the time to update the Roon parts of the wiki in due time

Also, just for testing, I try to mount a CIFS mount (to the Windows machine holding my music) in the format \\server\Music (with username and password) however I get an error message saying not possible in trial mode. Or somesuch message.
(16-Sep-2019, 02:40 AM)edwardlon Wrote: [ -> ]Appreciate any feedback on these two points (Roon Bridge and CIFS) please. Only testing things now. Do I need to 'donate' to enable things? Can I donate a small amount for a limited period (so I can test things properly)?
You can do a 1 time donation via paypal.
Can you cut and paste your CIFS error?
(16-Sep-2019, 06:40 PM)agent_kith Wrote: [ -> ] (16-Sep-2019, 02:40 AM)edwardlon Wrote: [ -> ]From the Snakeoil Wiki I see:
However in Roonlabs I see a different process.
see: http://kb.roonlabs.com/LinuxInstall
Both should work, our wiki/forum may well be out of date. So just follow roonlabs method to install for now, and Roon Bridge should appear as a client in the players section. I'll find the time to update the Roon parts of the wiki in due time
Also, just for testing, I try to mount a CIFS mount (to the Windows machine holding my music) in the format \\server\Music (with username and password) however I get an error message saying not possible in trial mode. Or somesuch message.
(16-Sep-2019, 02:40 AM)edwardlon Wrote: [ -> ]Appreciate any feedback on these two points (Roon Bridge and CIFS) please. Only testing things now. Do I need to 'donate' to enable things? Can I donate a small amount for a limited period (so I can test things properly)?
You can do a 1 time donation via paypal.
Can you cut and paste your CIFS error?
Cheers Kith for your response (for some reason I did not get notified a response had been made.
For now I will make a
small donation just so I can get to test things without restriction, once I use snakeoil on a permanent footing I'll make a larger or regular donation.
The CIFS error which I just reread says I need to activate if I want to add more than one mount point.
I made a donation using the donate button in the software but software not activated. I guess I did not tick the relevant box to expose my paypal email address. Please kindly send me the activation code or whatever via PM here please. You should be able to match things up as I referenced this thread in the paypal donation.
(16-Sep-2019, 11:48 PM)edwardlon Wrote: [ -> ]Cheers Kith for your response (for some reason I did not get notified a response had been made.
For now I will make a small donation just so I can get to test things without restriction, once I use snakeoil on a permanent footing I'll make a larger or regular donation.
The CIFS error which I just reread says I need to activate if I want to add more than one mount point.
Hmm.. Have you updated to the latest firmware? You should be able to add multiple mount points with U5 or later I believe. I'll double check this later this weekend to re-confirm.
(16-Sep-2019, 11:48 PM)edwardlon Wrote: [ -> ]I made a donation using the donate button in the software but software not activated. I guess I did not tick the relevant box to expose my paypal email address. Please kindly send me the activation code or whatever via PM here please. You should be able to match things up as I referenced this thread in the paypal donation.
Is the email in your spam folder? Will PM you in a few minutes.
Thanks Agent Kith for the code. Used that and various new options opened up. Nice!
Still can't get CIFS mount or RoonBridge enabled.
On the cifs mount I get a 'bad unc' error.
After enabling/installing RoonBridge (via the Music Server section under the Snakeoil tab) Roon Server does not see what should be a new Roon End Point.
None of this seems intuitive. So before I just give up on snakeoil os is there something obvious and easy I can follow please?
I'm normally good in doing stuff, following instructions etc. But mostly Windows to be fair.
(24-Sep-2019, 12:35 AM)edwardlon Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks Agent Kith for the code. Used that and various new options opened up. Nice!
Still can't get CIFS mount or RoonBridge enabled.
On the cifs mount I get a 'bad unc' error.
Can you take a screenshot of your settings?
Make sure you use the right "slash", it's / and not \. For details refer to this section in the
Also, look in your NAS settings, and check if SMBv1 is turned off. That could be the reason why Windows share is not working, you can either upgrade to a kernel (in the kernel section) that supports SMBv2 and up, or re-enable SMBv1 in your NAS. And that should get it to work.
FWIW I don't think there is an audible difference with SMBv1 vs SMBv2 so the next ISO should include this later version by default.
(24-Sep-2019, 12:35 AM)edwardlon Wrote: [ -> ]After enabling/installing RoonBridge (via the Music Server section under the Snakeoil tab) Roon Server does not see what should be a new Roon End Point.
None of this seems intuitive. So before I just give up on snakeoil os is there something obvious and easy I can follow please?
I'm normally good in doing stuff, following instructions etc. But mostly Windows to be fair.
That's a good question, I don't really know how Roon discovers it's endpoint. Previously we had this issue and the solution is to enable IPv6. Not sure if there's any chance since. The Snakeoil PC you're running should now have a IPv6 stack enabled (even though your home network might not have IPv6).
So things should work.
Snakeoil at the end of the day is a Ubuntu based Operation System optimised for audio. Roon will run on Snakeoil, as well as any other debian based distribution. Your best chance is to look up the Roon forums and find out what the requirements are. And if you find 'em, let me know so I can update the section in the wiki Roon. It's currently blank at the moment. :p