08-May-2019, 07:29 AM
(07-May-2019, 11:40 PM)Dmitry Novikov Wrote: That was me. Will wait for U5!Appreciate your patience.

Trust that even when I am being dimissive, I still have your problems/reports hanging at the back of my head, and will get to it eventually. This is a one man show and while I strive to provide for the best code and support, ultimately a person can only do so much... <- Not an excuse!

There is only one outstanding issue in U5, and that is to add a crude interface for user to input Tidal and Qobuz settings in MPD 0.21.x. Once that is done U5 will be released. Coming in U6 I will attempt to revamp the players user interface to make it more flexible than it is now.
Until then, happy tweaking, and happy listening.

Snakeoil Operating System - Music, your way!