22-Jul-2021, 03:35 PM
(18-Jul-2021, 12:25 AM)Primare11 Wrote:(17-Jul-2021, 09:18 AM)Snoopy8 Wrote:(17-Jul-2021, 12:33 AM)Primare11 Wrote: All my music sorted in Artist / Year - Album name / Track-nr - Artist - Song-title.flac, and covers as folder.jpg (they are also embedded).Experiment with MPDroid and its cover art standings. I had a lot of fun (NOT!) getting it to work.
Change to cover.jpg is not an option since I have 8000 albums.
I will try to experiment with the cover art settings and see I can get to work.
MAFA is excellent and the original suggestion came from @hkphantomgtr (thank you). It is by far the most user friendly interface, and in constant development.
I am looking forward to this on the Todo list: "Support images embedded in audio files"
I got the cover art to work in MPDroid, the answer is here https://www.snakeoil-os.net/wiki/Players/musicpd in the Folder Art Configuration For Your MPD Client chapter, i.e. RTFM
MAFA 1.6.5 (beta) is released with added support for embedded album art, and it works great