This is very very good. Best soundstage...size, placement, and acoustic space... I've heard from any Pi to date.
Immediacy and impact at first seemed muted... Now I'm not sure that is the case. I suspect it is something attributable to the rt kernel or simply a reduction in distortions.
I thought the top end was rolled off but then was surprised at the quality I heard there. Low level cymbal detail is it passes that test too.
I'm using MPD so will try with LMS to compare tomorrow.
I had assumed you would be porting the Ubuntu build to Pi but see that the OS is Raspbian.... that must have been a lot of work !
Stability is good... running all morning with files ranging from webradio to DSD128 and it hasn't missed a beat.
So some questions that someone is going to ask so may as well be me....
The strength of Snakeoil has been usb playback on x86 pc and that is carried over to the Pi port.... many Pi users adopt I2S connection for DACs.... is it planned to add I2S or will you concentrate on Snakeoil's usb output...?
I thought to test some gpio hardware that runs on Raspbian..... LCD and Oled displays, Lirc I/R remotes, etc. I have activated the I2C interface and reduced the memory split for the GPU using raspi-config (and changed the default password...

). I'm probably going to need some libraries....wiring-pi et al but will test and report.
I have ssh in but ls in user ~ shows no files.....guess I need to run as su and configure ??
This is going to be a real gem in the Pi audiophile lineup. !! Well done.