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Snakeoil ISO File Version 0.1.0 (Code name: Schumann Resonance) - Printable Version

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Snakeoil ISO File Version 0.1.0 (Code name: Schumann Resonance) - agent_kith - 29-Feb-2016

[UPDATE 2016 Dec 14]
To prevent abuse, you need to sign up to the Snakeoil Support Forums. Sorry for the inconveniences.

Snakeoil is distributed as a Live CD. Download the file that’s more applicable for your hadware and write the ISO file to a USB thumb drive (or CD-ROM).

Refer to the manual for details, or follow the quick start guide if you are comfortable with Linux. 

Please remember to read the FAQ thread also.

If you own a atom itx, motherboard, download this version:    Any other motherboards, please use this:   Check out the List of DACs and Motherboards that worked successfully with Snakeoil.