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LMS not finding any players - Printable Version

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LMS not finding any players - gibbo9000 - 12-Aug-2021

I must be missing something.  I cannot get LMS to find any Players.  I have done 2 clean setups on a Pi3 and Pi4 connected to a Topping DAC via USB.  It works fine using MPD.

LMS on the PI is logged in (as far as I can tell) with same details as login.

It all looks happy and set up as far as I can tell.  I have tried adding Local Player for DAC on same machine as LMS, and tried LMS on separate machine to Player.  At best I can run Squeezelite-X on my WIndows laptop and it will play from the LMS server.  But I need the DAC attached to a Pi.

Are there any basic plugins or enablers that need to be set up?  Diagnioctics / checks to to?

RE: LMS not finding any players - Snoopy8 - 13-Aug-2021

Maybe myqueezebox got mixed up within player???

My music player looks like this:
[Image: LMS.jpg]

On top right corner, click on LMS Web which will bring up the web player up and it should show player being used, which should be USB audio. On bottom right, Settings, go to tab and enter password,Apply.  Best to reboot.

Also, try with different Squeezelite players??

RE: LMS not finding any players - agent_kith - 13-Aug-2021

(12-Aug-2021, 08:37 PM)gibbo9000 Wrote: Are there any basic plugins or enablers that need to be set up?  Diagnioctics / checks to to?
Only reason I can think of is you have multiple copies of LMS running. And the squeezelite you're running just so happens to connect to the other instance.

If you already have LMS running somewhere else, disable server players, and just start Squeezelite on the Pi, and that will be perfect. In theory the LMS Web link will still be able to detect any LMS on the same network.

If you want to run multiple LMS, note the LMS discovery code will only return you the first LMS that respond to Snakeoil, and it may not return you the LMS you're looking for. In this case you just need to enter the IP manually and it'll work.

RE: LMS not finding any players - gibbo9000 - 13-Aug-2021

Thanks for you inputs guys.

Have gone back to basics and narrowed but not solved the problem.  Here is where I got to:
  • Two clean / parallel Pi builds with full raspian update/upgrade and clean Snakeoil installs and upgrade to latest firmware.  Both activated.
  • One Pi is set up with musiic library and LMS.  LMS appears to work fine and is the only instance on the network.  I put Squeezlite-X on a PC and it found LMS / LMS found it and it appears in  Following the LMSWeb link from in Snakeoil shows up the Squeezelite-X player.  And music plays on PC.
  • Other Pi is set up as Music Client only as per image below.  Have tried all versions of Squeezelite (with multiple restarts etc.), and 3 different DACs.  It just does not present on the network as an available player anywhere (LMS web, Squeezelite-X).  Turning off main router firewall didn't help either. 
Same situation if I add the cCient to the Pi with LMS on it - it can't find it.  Probably irrelevant to this - but MPD setup with this DAC does work on single Pi. 

So it feels like it is certainly at the player end.  Have I missed something obvious ?

Will dig further over the weekend.  Good news is I have a good clean Pi install methodology that is now well proven!


[Image: Pi-Client.png]

RE: LMS not finding any players - gibbo9000 - 13-Aug-2021

Have I missed something really basic?  I had a look around in the Pi and couldn't find Squeezelite installed.  So I installed it and then the Pi appears as a Player.  I thought it was installed already as per the Checkboxes in Snakeoil page in interface?  Haven't got it to play yet - but only briefly looked at the list of available players and how to select them in Squeezelite.

RE: LMS not finding any players - agent_kith - 14-Aug-2021

(13-Aug-2021, 09:34 PM)gibbo9000 Wrote: Have I missed something really basic?  I had a look around in the Pi and couldn't find Squeezelite installed.  So I installed it and then the Pi appears as a Player.  I thought it was installed already as per the Checkboxes in Snakeoil page in interface?  Haven't got it to play yet - but only briefly looked at the list of available players and how to select them in Squeezelite.
This looks like an old bug that crept into the Pi. I wonder if the random number generator code is not working well on the Pi.

I bet both Pi Squeezelites ended up with the same MAC address. Can you generate a diagnostics file from both Pi machines, and send them to the email shown for me to have a look tonight?

RE: LMS not finding any players - gibbo9000 - 14-Aug-2021

Thanks Agent Kith.

I did notice that when I installed Squeezelite 1.8 on the 'Client' Pi that the LMS Pi would find it and list its IP address, but MAC address was blank - and while the PI name always presented as a player (post Squeezelite 1.8 install), 'Squeezlite' would sometimes appear as a player as well (with IP and MAC) and sometimes not.  So some inconsistencies in that area.

Will get the Client Pi back to its native state and get the diagnostics to you.

RE: LMS not finding any players - agent_kith - 15-Aug-2021

(14-Aug-2021, 08:43 AM)gibbo9000 Wrote: Will get the Client Pi back to its native state and get the diagnostics to you.
Hi Gibbs,

Looks like you have two copies of LMS running, hence the issue. For your server, you need to
1. Turn on server
2. Turn off client

For the Pi with the DAC (client), you need to
1. Turn off Server
2. Turn on client

And then you will only have 1 copy of LMS running, and all your Squeezelites will register to that single LMS. More information here.

RE: LMS not finding any players - gibbo9000 - 16-Aug-2021

Oops - not sure how I did that for setup / diagnostics I sent.  My bad in resettng the setup.  All my testing (and problems) have been in what I believe are correct configuratuions.
Have resent in the correct configuration with 1 x Server and 1 x Client.  Note same issue exists if I use just 1 x Pi and have client and server on that.  No Player shows up.  Works fine on MPD on single server.

RE: LMS not finding any players - agent_kith - 17-Aug-2021


Got your files. Havn't had the time to check it yet. Hopefully will be able to get to this tonight.