Snakeoil ISO File Version 0.1.3 (Cable Lifter) - agent_kith - 20-Apr-2016
Announcing the 3rd release of Snakeoil OS, dubbed "Cable Lifter". This update has several fixes and changes behind the scenes to improve the user experience. This release concentrates on getting the framework right, hopefully subsequent release I'd be able to concentrate on improving the sound quality.
Links to download:
Existing users who are already using the Snakeoil as their OS can just upgrade the firmware. Watch this video for a firmware upgrade walkthrough. The only things missing are the LMS DSD-PCM transcoding fix and a newer kernel (not a problem as you can upgrade the kernel manually anyway).
Changes since 0.1.2a ISO:- Use kernel 4.4.4-rt11
- Do not start vncserver and ubiquity installer if in persistent mode
- Fix DSD-PCM playback for LMS (Not sure how it was broken before, and still not sure why it's fixed!)
- Using a new version of LMS (7.9.0 - 1460119815) that's i386 only, reducing ISO image around 90 MB.
- Many behind the scene changes (updates to javascripts, CSS, PHP, etc)
- Revamped software tab UI, redesigned and clarify the options for Squeezelite and LMS
- Make upgrade process a bit more robust
- Renamed mpd v19.13 to v19.x (People who chose v19.13 as their music player will need to select the v19.x player)
- Use parted for initialising disks now (Support > 4TB GPT partitions)
- Added link for web clients for MPD (client175) and LMS (via network discovery)
- Fixed a bug where a firmware upgrade will wipe out existing MPD databases
- Fix start/stop issues with mpd-git
- Shorten the help text
- Added apple rel links for better looking icons (for iPads and iPhones)
- Clicking on the Snakeoil logo will now bring you to the snakeoil website
- You can now remove all mount points in the music tab
- Re-work web flush for better Safari/IE compatibilitity
- Better error reporting when player fails to start
- Even more updates to web user interface
- Don't mount already mounted partitions (prevent loops)
- Unmute will go through all sound cards now (instead of just the first)
- Added AIFF/ALAC support for all MPD players
- Dropped mac_address (fixed) and generate 20 random MAC for squeezelite. You can now run > 1 Snakeoil machines in your network.
- New logo designs. Snake and oil. Get it? No? Nevermind.
- More informative "disk free" information in music tab
- Now start/stop ssh and samba on the fly without reboot (tty will still require a reboot though)
- Added extra configuration options for mpd-dsd-rt and squeezelite
- Added web option to reset user credentials