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Firmware 0.1.3 (Official) - Printable Version

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Firmware 0.1.3 (Official) - agent_kith - 19-Apr-2016

This is the official release of 0.1.3.

Changes since 0.1.2a: 
  • Many behind the scene changes (updates to javascripts, CSS, PHP, etc)
  • Revamped software tab UI, redesigned and clarify the options for Squeezelite and LMS
  • Make upgrade process a bit more robust
  • Renamed mpd v19.13 to v19.x (People who chose v19.13 as their music player will need to select the v19.x player)
  • Use parted for initialising disks now (Support > 4TB GPT partitions)
  • Added link for web clients for MPD (client175) and LMS (via network discovery)
  • Fixed a bug where a firmware upgrade will wipe out existing MPD databases
  • Fix start/stop issues with mpd-git
  • Shorten the help text
  • Added apple rel links for better looking icons (for iPads and iPhones)
  • Clicking on the Snakeoil logo will now bring you to the snakeoil website
  • You can now remove all mount points in the music tab
  • Re-work web flush for better Safari/IE compatibilitity
  • Better error reporting when player fails to start
  • Even more updates to web user interface
  • Don't mount already mounted partitions (prevent loops)
  • Unmute will go through all sound cards now (instead of just the first)
  • Added AIFF/ALAC support for all MPD players
  • Dropped mac_address (fixed) and generate 20 random MAC for squeezelite. You can now run > 1 Snakeoil machines in your network.
  • New logo designs. Snake and oil. Get it? No? Nevermind. 
  • More informative "disk free" information in music tab
  • Now start/stop ssh and samba on the fly without reboot (tty will still require a reboot though)
  • Added extra configuration options for mpd-dsd-rt and squeezelite
  • Added web option to reset user credentials

.fw   snakeoil-0.1.3.fw (Size: 18.29 MB / Downloads: 10)

Firmware 0.1.3 (Official) - Chanh - 21-Apr-2016

Many thanks to Agent Kith for yet another update! Will give this a try later this afternoon.

What were evident the MPD-DSD-rt on last firmware didn't work.

Btw - be good to have some instructions on how to load the complete OS into RAM. Any provision of playing direct from RAM too?


RE: Firmware 0.1.3 (Official) - agent_kith - 21-Apr-2016

(21-Apr-2016, 07:07 AM)Chanh Wrote: Many thanks to Agent Kith for yet another update! Will give this a try later this afternoon.

What were evident the MPD-DSD-rt on last firmware didn't work.

Btw - be good to have some instructions on how to load the complete OS into RAM. Any provision of playing direct from RAM too?

Hmm. There seems to have a bug in the software. There are two threads, but with the same URL... WTF? Edit: Link is correct, my post of all the changes are lost.. Sad Sigh.. 

Will try to fix that.

And will finish the write up on OS into RAM soon.