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[SOLVED] 1.07 mpd dont see music on HDD! JR all Ok. - Printable Version

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1.07 mpd dont see music on HDD! JR all Ok. - Integra - 27-Nov-2017

MPD V20 all OK.
V19 and RT version dont see
all MPDs dont see
JRiver all working fine

RE: 1.07 mpd dont see music on HDD! JR all Ok. - agent_kith - 28-Nov-2017

(27-Nov-2017, 10:26 PM)Integra Wrote: 1.06
MPD V20 all OK.
V19 and RT version dont see
all MPDs dont see
JRiver all working fine
Because there are minor differences of the database formats across different versions of MPD, each MPD version has it's own database. So the first time you run any MPD, you need to rescan the database. This problem should be the same as this thread, and you can follow the same guide here on how to rescan the database.

If you have a large library of songs, scanning the database can take a while.

In a future version of Snakeoil I guess I should add a feature to enable/disable auto database scanning by default for MPD. With this on it is likely to impact audio quality, but folks can always disable it from the Snakeoil menu when they don't need this. Thumbs Up

Edit: Hopefully I can try Client175 myself later tonight to make sure database scanning works across the MPD versions. Will update you soon.

RE: 1.07 mpd dont see music on HDD! JR all Ok. - Integra - 28-Nov-2017

24 hours for scaning is done. All 20 test folders is read :lol:
But after this time database is empty...
only after manual rescanned is done  again i see music.