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Snakeoil Firmware - 1.0.5 (Golden Ears Update 5) - Printable Version

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Snakeoil Firmware - 1.0.5 (Golden Ears Update 5) - agent_kith - 24-Sep-2017

This release fix all the known issues found so far in Golden Ears. Also add support for a new music player - Clementine.

Change Log
  • 0000149[players] Add Clementine Music Player
    [Image: Clementine.png]
  • 0000150[web-app] Fix scrolling of console window when showing console output
  • 0000154[web-service] Fixed bug where new database can't be created
  • 0000155[install] Fix weird problem with startup script
  • 0000156[web-service] Fix permission errors when copying music files to additional storage
  • 0000158[web-app] Fix occasional crash in Snakeoil menu

.fw   snakeoil-1.0.5-i686.fw (Size: 20.39 MB / Downloads: 23)
(SHA1: a0be82ee563fbcd2cf33a4d18c8063e795b043ca)
.fw   snakeoil-1.0.5-x86_64.fw (Size: 20.44 MB / Downloads: 75)
(SHA1: 7d3b842a9fd6825c2d6eed3c2d7479db0583723a)