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v0.1.2 - Printable Version

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v0.1.2 - agent_kith - 20-Mar-2016

Firmware 0.1.2. This is the firmware that is shipped with the second beta iso - 0.1.2 (Ethernet).

Changelog (since 0.1.1):
Bug fixes
  1. Don’t start deleted ALSA devices.
  2. Fixed > 1 audio output with squeezelite
  3. Better handling of errors, and extending the timeout so that they are not missed
  4. Added CIFS options to support Apple machines
  5. Lots of other little things
Additional features
  1. Shorten the boot timeout from 10 seconds to 3 seconds when you upgrade a new kernel
  2. Increased php upload limit (to allow for bigger firmwares in the future)
Download the firmware here:
.fw   snakeoil-0.1.2.fw (Size: 19.97 MB / Downloads: 2)