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Any Interest in ARMv7 builds - Printable Version

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RE: Any Interest in ARMv7 builds - agent_kith - 27-Sep-2018

Need a kernel with LIRC support. I can build one for you later tonight, are you using the stock kernel at the moment, or a special one?

Edit: What am I asking? This is RPi.. There is only one kernel!!! I'd rebuild the kernel tonight with LIRC support.

RE: Any Interest in ARMv7 builds - Bromf - 27-Sep-2018

Thanks.!  I suspected that but was trying all options before imposing on your valuable time...

Once I have that kernel I expect Lirc to install and work so will map some buttons for play, pause, playlists, favourite web streams and shutdown/reboot....if that's all good will start on the write up in Walkthroughs.

I/R remote and a display makes for great streaming and ease of use....always need to grab a phone/pc, open a browser, connect, then change stations....1 button is all that's needed..Smile

RE: Any Interest in ARMv7 builds - Bromf - 28-Sep-2018

Any joy with the Lirc kernel ? Smile

RE: Any Interest in ARMv7 builds - agent_kith - 28-Sep-2018

(28-Sep-2018, 03:19 AM)Bromf Wrote: Any joy with the Lirc kernel ? Smile
I'd send you a PM soon on that... Hit some snag on the uploading the kernel via the WebApp so you'd have to do this manually unfortunately...

RE: Any Interest in ARMv7 builds - Bromf - 28-Sep-2018

Progress.....but still hitting the same modules error....
pi@snakeoil:~ $ dmesg | grep lirc
[    3.499614] lirc_dev: IR Remote Control driver registered, major 242
[    3.570131] rc rc0: lirc_dev: driver ir-lirc-codec (rc-loopback) registered at minor = 0
[   20.321432] input: lircd-uinput as /devices/virtual/input/input5
[b]pi@snakeoil:~ $ ps aux | grep lirc[/b]
pi        1020  0.0  0.0   4372   568 pts/0    S+   01:50   0:00 grep --color=auto lirc
pi@snakeoil:~ $ ls -l /dev/lirc0
crw-rw---- 1 root video 242, 0 Sep 28 01:46 /dev/lirc0
pi@snakeoil:~ $ lsmod | grep lirc
libkmod: ERROR ../libkmod/libkmod-module.c:1655 kmod_module_new_from_loaded: could not open /proc/modules: No such file or directory
Error: could not get list of modules: No such file or directory
pi@snakeoil:~ $
Google seems to think it is custom kernel related...
I can find a reference here...

I have triple checked hardware, 2 different Pi, 2 different remotes, 2 different receivers.... all works with another player o/s...

and no 'modules' found here...
pi@snakeoil:~ $ cd /proc/
pi@snakeoil:/proc $ ls
1     123   141  210  407  5    684  855          fs             pagetypeinfo
10    124   142  23   41   50   685  861          interrupts     partitions
107   125   143  24   42   51   7    862          iomem          sched_debug
108   126   144  242  426  52   720  9            ioports        schedstat
109   127   145  25   43   53   721  asound       irq            self
11    1275  146  26   438  54   799  buddyinfo    kallsyms       slabinfo
110   128   147  27   44   548  8    bus          keys           softirqs
111   129   149  28   442  55   800  cgroups      key-users      stat
112   13    15   29   448  56   816  cmdline      kmsg           swaps
113   130   150  31   45   59   822  consoles     kpagecgroup    sys
114   131   151  32   46   6    823  cpu          kpagecount     sysrq-trigger
115   132   16   33   469  60   835  cpuinfo      kpageflags     sysvipc
1154  133   164  34   47   61   836  crypto       latency_stats  thread-self
116   134   17   349  474  62   843  devices      loadavg        timer_list
117   135   170  35   475  635  844  device-tree  locks          tty
118   136   18   36   478  639  845  diskstats    mdstat         uptime
119   137   19   37   479  641  846  drbd         meminfo        version
12    138   2    39   48   659  849  driver       misc           vmallocinfo
120   139   20   4    484  673  850  execdomains  mounts         vmstat
121   14    203  40   485  682  851  fb           mtd            zoneinfo
122   140   21   400  49   683  854  filesystems  net
pi@snakeoil:/proc $

RE: Any Interest in ARMv7 builds - agent_kith - 28-Sep-2018

The no 'modules' part is fine as Snakeoil kernels built the drivers right inside the kernel, instead of as a loadable module.

It is already detecting the IR or input. But I suspect you're missing the user space software. Try and run this:
sudo apt install -y lirc

Then run:
ps aux | grep lirc
again to make sure lircd is running. Once it's up your stuffs should work.

RE: Any Interest in ARMv7 builds - Bromf - 28-Sep-2018

Already have that.... see prior post .... I have installed Lirc on Pi many times before and even have 2 methods. I've tried both and still it errors re modules...
pi@snakeoil:~ $ sudo apt install -y lirc
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
lirc is already the newest version (0.9.4c-9).
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 34 not upgraded.
pi@snakeoil:~ $ ps aux | grep lirc
pi        2652  0.0  0.0   4372   548 pts/0    S+   02:40   0:00 grep --color=auto lirc
pi@snakeoil:~ $
shall I do an apt upgrade or will that bork things...

RE: Any Interest in ARMv7 builds - agent_kith - 28-Sep-2018

(28-Sep-2018, 10:42 AM)Bromf Wrote: Already have that.... see prior post .... I have installed Lirc on Pi many times before and even have 2 methods. I've tried both and still it errors re modules... 
I wonder if LIRC only works if you're using modules... Or maybe I forgot to include another important module.

What happens when you just run lircd from the command line?

RE: Any Interest in ARMv7 builds - Bromf - 28-Sep-2018

pi@snakeoil:~ $ lircd
can't open or create /var/run/lirc/ Permission denied
pi@snakeoil:~ $ sudo lircd
lircd: there seems to already be a lircd process with pid 1469
lircd: otherwise delete stale lockfile /var/run/lirc/
pi@snakeoil:~ $

RE: Any Interest in ARMv7 builds - agent_kith - 28-Sep-2018

(28-Sep-2018, 11:13 AM)Bromf Wrote: pi@snakeoil:~ $ lircd
can't open or create /var/run/lirc/ Permission denied
pi@snakeoil:~ $ sudo lircd
lircd: there seems to already be a lircd process with pid 1469
lircd: otherwise delete stale lockfile /var/run/lirc/
pi@snakeoil:~ $
ps aux|grep 1469

See if it's really runnig, if it's not, delete the pid file:
sudo rm -f  /var/run/lirc/

Then start lircd again and see what error pops up.