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RE: Any Interest in ARMv7 builds - Bromf - 25-Sep-2018

Thanks for the replies !

I can confirm I2S working. 

I have a Pi2 with a HiFiBerry Digi+Pro hat. Took a bit of trial and error but it is now playing.

Had to enable i2c and i2s in /boot/config.txt  and add the dtoverlay=hifiberry-digi-pro.
Then commented out to disabled the Pi onboard audio...# Enable audio (loads snd_bcm2835)  #dtparam=audio=on

In the Snakeoil Musicplayer page I selected the only device now showing...hw:0,0 and entered hifiberry-digi-pro in the name field.

Rebooted and it plays...Smile

RE: Any Interest in ARMv7 builds - agent_kith - 25-Sep-2018

(25-Sep-2018, 06:31 AM)Bromf Wrote: Thanks for the replies !

I can confirm I2S working. 

I have a Pi2 with a HiFiBerry Digi+Pro hat. Took a bit of trial and error but it is now playing.

Had to enable i2c and i2s in /boot/config.txt  and add the dtoverlay=hifiberry-digi-pro.
Then commented out to disabled the Pi onboard audio...# Enable audio (loads snd_bcm2835)  #dtparam=audio=on

In the Snakeoil Musicplayer page I selected the only device now showing...hw:0,0 and entered hifiberry-digi-pro in the name field.

Rebooted and it plays...Smile
Nice. This post will save me a lot of time twiddling! Thumbs Up

So we have passed the first hurdle - confirm hardware support across the 3 most popular Pi boards.

Once I've finished updating the documentations and add Roon support, the RPi Blind Testing will be good for release. Unfortunately the size of the image is about as small as I could make it. Tried stripping the stock kernel away and somehow it doesn't boot. Will perhaps give one last shot but potentially cannot get the image any smaller than what it is now. Sad

RE: Any Interest in ARMv7 builds - Bromf - 25-Sep-2018

Luckily the ReadMe at /boot/overlays/README has most of the overlays listed so was easy to copy and paste the desired one into /boot/config.txt .

Are you building with full Raspbian Stretch ?  What about building with Stretch Lite  or would that have other downsides..?

RE: Any Interest in ARMv7 builds - agent_kith - 25-Sep-2018

(25-Sep-2018, 08:38 AM)Bromf Wrote: Luckily the ReadMe at /boot/overlays/README has most of the overlays listed so was easy to copy and paste the desired one into /boot/config.txt .
Nice. I can possibly allow guys to do this from the comforts of the GUI. Will have to leave this to a future update.

(25-Sep-2018, 08:38 AM)Bromf Wrote: Are you building with full Raspbian Stretch ?  What about building with Stretch Lite  or would that have other downsides..?
Using Raspbian Strech Lite, but included a minmial X window setup.

The full versions probably includes java, Wolfram, etc which may or may not be allowed licensing wise.

RE: Any Interest in ARMv7 builds - Bromf - 25-Sep-2018

Almost...... but failed on saving..... will have to reinstall and debug ... but here is an Oled display scrolling webradio station and file.... 
need to do some work to get it active on boot and to show Spectrum Display

from Adrian's script here.....
[Image: IGP0550.jpg]

Tj... Adrian is such a nice guy and has made installs for Moode,Volumio,Rune   maybe you could have him do one for Snakeoil...  ???

RE: Any Interest in ARMv7 builds - agent_kith - 25-Sep-2018

It's a standard raspbian build so whatever Adrian have should work? I'd have to look into this when I have more time.. ATM need to fix some forum issues - attachments seems  broken for some reason.

RE: Any Interest in ARMv7 builds - Bromf - 26-Sep-2018


All sorted now. I reinstalled and rebuilt for the Oled  and it is working fine. This is a very small screen... 0.96 inch...but very clear...and cheap!

When the Pi is powered up and not playing it shows the ip address at the top...very handy (for web access when dns resolution doesn't work...=Android)..... time in the  center and date below.
When playing it shows Time, Artist and track title with a progress bar below. If artist and/or track is too long for the display it scrolls.
The blank area at the left should show a real-time spectrum analyser but I omitted that part of the build as I'm not a huge fan of blinking lights...

Next, a crack at Lirc...

RE: Any Interest in ARMv7 builds - agent_kith - 26-Sep-2018


Would appreciate if you can do up a HOW-TO post in the Walkthrough section. I'm sure others are interested to do what you're doing here.. :)

RE: Any Interest in ARMv7 builds - Bromf - 26-Sep-2018

(26-Sep-2018, 08:45 AM)agent_kith Wrote: Nice!!

Would appreciate if you can do up a HOW-TO post in the Walkthrough section. I'm sure others are interested to do what you're doing here.. Smile

Will do ! 
I'll get Lirc running then write up both the display and remote control.
I have a question in with Adrian re the spectrum analyser so will include that too.
May as well do the I2S write up as well.
This weekend if time permits.

RE: Any Interest in ARMv7 builds - Bromf - 27-Sep-2018

I've hit a problem with Lirc installation....I can configure all the usual steps up until testing the i/r receiver but the device fails to start...
pi@snakeoil:~ $ mode2 -d /dev/lirc0
Using driver default on device /dev/lirc0
Cannot initiate device /dev/lirc0
I think it is kernel related as running sudo lsmod returns...
libkmod: ERROR ../libkmod/libkmod-module.c:1655 kmod_module_new_from_loaded: could not open /proc/modules: No such file or directory
Error: could not get list of modules: No such file or directory
so while things are configured there's no lirc module being loaded as there's no /proc/modules file to load from...

Any clues ?  I've googled for a day now but no answers.... rechecked all hardware working ok.