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Noob question: How do I install SnakeoilOS on RPI? - Printable Version

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RE: Noob question: How do I install SnakeoilOS on RPI? - uglymusic - 30-Jan-2023

I can report back that I'm now live with SnakeoilOS on my production RPi 4 music server  Smile .  It would have been sooner, but life has been silly busy.

SnakeoilOS has been running for a little more than 24 hours and seems happy and solid. 

And the sound seems excellent. On my main rig, the front-to-back dimension, which flattened out a bit with my SMSL DAC, is back. On my near-field listening rig in my office, I'm hearing lots of micro details. More thoughts with more listening, perhaps.

Next: getting SnakeoiOS to work with the HATs on some of my client machines.

RE: Noob question: How do I install SnakeoilOS on RPI? - criminalzen - 31-Jan-2023

I dont know if you have set up a hat dac yet but its easy just add a single line in /boot/config.txt with the name of the dtbo file for your dac found in /boot/overlays/ - for my boss dac the line added towards the bottom of config.txt is 


then.. reboot. I will appear in the music player page of snake oil in output devices... sorry if you know all this but in case..


RE: Noob question: How do I install SnakeoilOS on RPI? - uglymusic - 01-Feb-2023

Thanks @criminalzen , I know how to do this in principle... dtoverlay in config.txt

Do you know if there is a master list of dtoverlay values for RPi HATs (I have three different ones)? Or is it a case of Googling for each HAT value in turn?

RE: Noob question: How do I install SnakeoilOS on RPI? - Bromf - 01-Feb-2023

(01-Feb-2023, 04:31 AM)uglymusic Wrote: Thanks @criminalzen , I know how to do this in principle... dtoverlay in config.txt

Do you know if there is a master list of dtoverlay values for RPi HATs (I have three different ones)? Or is it a case of Googling for each HAT value in turn?

As @criminalzen  posted the list can be found in the file /boot/overlays/   Ssh to your snakeoil and look for that file  ( these are the ones working with the installed kernel)
nano /boot/overlays/

The full RPi list is here.. (may not work with installed kernel..try and see anyway)

RE: Noob question: How do I install SnakeoilOS on RPI? - uglymusic - 01-Feb-2023

Thank you, @Bromf

I'd misread @criminalzen's post. It's great that they're already in the file. I can stop Googling!

And, thanks for the link.