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Computer to Accuphase via HS-Link - Printable Version

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RE: Computer to Accuphase via HS-Link - truemise - 17-Jan-2025

(14-Dec-2017, 10:09 AM)agent_kith Wrote: Have you suceeded in connecting between the accuphase and other products(audio-gd ~~) with hs-link ?

First thing to try is to send a balanced I2S feed with the 2 Key pins floated. This is the only thing I have on my hand at the moment, a Audio-Gd DI-2014:
[Image: audio-gd-di-2014.png]
What's a Digital Interface? It's a box that will reclock USB or S/PDIF and re-transmit the 'cleaned' audio signal in either I2S, balanced I2S and S/PDIF:
[Image: audio-gd-di-2014-pinouts.png]
So the idea is to cut up a HDMI cable and a STP cable, and pin for pin match the output of the DI-2014 into the input of the HS-Link. Sounds easy enough I guess, but can be dangerous. (See the please note section above).

Hopefully in the next few weeks I can get to try and see what happens.... Hopefully nothing get's blown up as I probably wouldn't bother getting this fixed if that happens [Image: bird.gif] . This input goes direct to the FPGA chip, so if that is blown, likely all inputs will no longer work.

The 'direct input' is one temptation that's hard to resist though, no conversion of audio signal should in theory yield better audio. Granted technically there is still a conversion happening with the DI-2014 (as it's converting USB data from the copmputer). This is just a 'proof of concept' for now.. If this works, we will have to look for a PC solution (i.e. an audio card with balanced I2S out, e.g. Pink Faun). AFAIK there is no Linux driver for the Pink Faun yet. I wonder if I'm good enough to write one. [Image: steal.gif]

Update: Got the cables. Will attempt to do this over the Christmas break. Watch this space Kiss !!! Don't expect HS-Link will work, but hey, who knows really?

RE: Computer to Accuphase via HS-Link - agent_kith - 18-Jan-2025

No not yet. Still sticking to USB for now.